Interface IEntityAnimationController<T extends IEntity>
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface IEntityAnimationController<T extends IEntity>
extends IAnimationController, IEntityController
Method Summary
Modifier and Type Method Description void
addRule(java.util.function.Predicate<? super T> rule, java.util.function.Function<? super T,java.lang.String> animationName)
Registers an animation rule that will be evaluated if there is currently no animation playing that is defined to loop.void
addRule(java.util.function.Predicate<? super T> rule, java.util.function.Function<? super T,java.lang.String> animationName, int priority)
Registers an animation rule that will be evaluated if there is currently no animation playing that is defined to loop.boolean
Gets a flag indicating whether this controller instance is auto scaling its animations by the dimensions of the entity.void
scaleSprite(float ratio)
Sets the ratio used to scale the animations of this controller instance.void
scaleSprite(float ratioX, float ratioY)
Sets the dimensions used to scale the animations of this controller instance.void
setAutoScaling(boolean scaling)
Sets a value indicating whether this controller instance is auto scaling its animations by the dimensions of the entityMethods inherited from interface
add, add, addListener, clear, get, getAffineTransform, getAll, getCurrent, getCurrentImage, getCurrentImage, getDefault, getImageEffects, hasAnimation, isEnabled, isPlaying, play, remove, remove, removeListener, setAffineTransform, setDefault, setEnabled
Methods inherited from interface de.gurkenlabs.litiengine.entities.IEntityController
attach, detach, getEntity
Method Details
void addRule(java.util.function.Predicate<? super T> rule, java.util.function.Function<? super T,java.lang.String> animationName)Registers an animation rule that will be evaluated if there is currently no animation playing that is defined to loop. This allows to specify animations that should be applied under certain conditions.- Parameters:
- The rule that must be fulfilled for the animation to be appliedanimationName
- The callback that evaluates the actual animation name that will be applied
void addRule(java.util.function.Predicate<? super T> rule, java.util.function.Function<? super T,java.lang.String> animationName, int priority)Registers an animation rule that will be evaluated if there is currently no animation playing that is defined to loop. This allows to specify animations that should be applied under certain conditions.- Parameters:
- The rule that must be fulfilled for the animation to be appliedanimationName
- The callback that evaluates the actual animation name that will be appliedpriority
- The priority that defines the order in which the rule will be processed. Rules with higher priorities will be processed first.
boolean isAutoScaling()Gets a flag indicating whether this controller instance is auto scaling its animations by the dimensions of the entity.- Returns:
- True if this instance is automatically scaling to the dimensions of the entity; otherwise false.
void setAutoScaling(boolean scaling)Sets a value indicating whether this controller instance is auto scaling its animations by the dimensions of the entity- Parameters:
- True if this instance is automatically scaling to the dimensions of the entity; otherwise false.
void scaleSprite(float ratioX, float ratioY)Sets the dimensions used to scale the animations of this controller instance.- Parameters:
- The x-ratio to scale the animation with.ratioY
- The y-ratio to scale the animation with.
void scaleSprite(float ratio)Sets the ratio used to scale the animations of this controller instance.- Parameters:
- The ratio to scale the animation with.