Class ListField

All Implemented Interfaces:
IRenderable, Tweenable, java.awt.event.MouseListener, java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener, java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener, java.util.EventListener

public class ListField
extends GuiComponent
The Class ListField.
  • Constructor Details

    • ListField

      public ListField​(double x, double y, double width, double height, java.lang.Object[] content, int shownRows)
      Creates a vertical list field.

      The content of this list field can only be accessed through the first column (column 0).
      content[0][0] - ok
      content[0][1] - ok
      content[0][8] - ok
      content[1][5] - NOK
      content[2][0] - NOK
      x - The x-coordinate of the ListField.
      y - The y-coordinate of the ListField.
      width - The width of the ListField.
      height - The height of the ListField.
      content - The 1 dimension array to show in the ListField.
      shownRows - The number of rows/elements to display before the user needs to scroll for more possible rows/elements.
      See Also:
      ListField(double, double, double, double, Object[], int)
    • ListField

      public ListField​(double x, double y, double width, double height, java.lang.Object[][] content, int shownRows, int shownColumns)
      Creates a 2D vertical list field.

      The given content should be arranged as columns of elements.
      content[0][0] - column 0, row 0
      content[0][1] - column 0, row 1
      content[2][8] - column 2, row 8
      x - The x-coordinate of the ListField.
      y - The y-coordinate of the ListField.
      width - The width of the ListField.
      height - The height of the ListField.
      content - The 2 dimension array to show in the ListField.
      shownRows - The number of rows to display before the user needs to scroll for more possible rows.
      shownColumns - The number of columns to display before the user needs to scroll for more possible columns.
  • Method Details

    • deselect

      public void deselect()
      Resets the ListField's selection to null.
      The ListField will then show no selection.
    • getButtonSprite

      public Spritesheet getButtonSprite()
    • getChangeConsumer

      public java.util.List<java.util.function.IntConsumer> getChangeConsumer()
    • getContent

      public java.lang.Object[][] getContent()
    • getEntrySprite

      public Spritesheet getEntrySprite()
    • getHorizontalLowerBound

      public int getHorizontalLowerBound()
    • getHorizontalSlider

      public HorizontalSlider getHorizontalSlider()
    • getListEntry

      public java.util.List<ImageComponent> getListEntry​(int column)
      Returns all list items of a specified column.
      column - the column
      a list of items
    • getListEntry

      public ImageComponent getListEntry​(int column, int row)
      Returns item at a specified column and row.
      column - the column
      row - the row
      ImageComponent at [column,row]
    • getMaxRows

      public int getMaxRows()
      Returns the number of rows of the tallest column.
      int representing the length of the tallest column
    • getNumberOfShownRows

      public int getNumberOfShownRows()
    • getNumberOfShownColumns

      public int getNumberOfShownColumns()
    • getSelectedComponent

      public ImageComponent getSelectedComponent()
    • getSelectedObject

      public java.lang.Object getSelectedObject()
    • getSelectionColumn

      public int getSelectionColumn()
      Returns the selected column.
      number of the column; -1 if isEntireRowSelected() is true
    • getSelectionRow

      public int getSelectionRow()
      Returns the selected row.
      number of the row
    • getVerticalLowerBound

      public int getVerticalLowerBound()
    • getVerticalSlider

      public VerticalSlider getVerticalSlider()
    • isArrowKeyNavigation

      public boolean isArrowKeyNavigation()
    • onChange

      public void onChange​(java.util.function.IntConsumer c)
    • refresh

      public void refresh()
    • render

      public void render​(java.awt.Graphics2D g)
      Description copied from interface: IRenderable
      Renders the visual contents of this instance onto the provided graphics context.

      If an Entity implements this interface, this method will be called right after the entity was rendered from the environment. Allowing for a custom rendering mechanism.

      This interface can be implemented in general by anything that should be rendered to the game's screen.

      Specified by:
      render in interface IRenderable
      render in class GuiComponent
      g - The current graphics object onto which this instance will render its visual contents.
      See Also:
      RenderEngine.renderEntity(Graphics2D, de.gurkenlabs.litiengine.entities.IEntity)
    • setArrowKeyNavigation

      public void setArrowKeyNavigation​(boolean arrowKeyNavigation)
    • setButtonSprite

      public void setButtonSprite​(Spritesheet buttonSprite)
    • setEntrySprite

      public void setEntrySprite​(Spritesheet entrySprite)
    • setForwardMouseEvents

      public void setForwardMouseEvents​(int column, boolean forwardMouseEvents)
    • setHorizontalLowerBound

      public void setHorizontalLowerBound​(int lowerBound)
    • setSelection

      public void setSelection​(int column, int row)
    • setSelectEntireColumn

      public void setSelectEntireColumn​(boolean selectEntireColumn)
      If set to true, selecting a element will show a selection of the entire column on which that element is on. Without taking account of its row.

      Set to false as default.
      selectEntireColumn - a boolean
    • setSliderInside

      public void setSliderInside​(boolean sliderInside)
      If set to true, the sliders of this ListField will be displayed within its boundaries. This is necessary, for example, when a ListField covers an entire screen.
      Set to false as default.
      sliderInside - a boolean
    • setSelectEntireRow

      public void setSelectEntireRow​(boolean selectEntireRow)
      If set to true, selecting a element will show a selection of the entire row on which that element is on. Without taking account of its column.

      Set to false as default.
      selectEntireRow - a boolean
    • setVerticalLowerBound

      public void setVerticalLowerBound​(int lowerBound)
    • isEntireColumnSelected

      public boolean isEntireColumnSelected()
      true if selection is set to select the entire column; false otherwise
    • isEntireRowSelected

      public boolean isEntireRowSelected()
      true if selection is set to select the entire row; false otherwise
    • isSliderInside

      public boolean isSliderInside()
      Verify if sliders are set to be inside the ListField.
      true if slider is set to be inside the ListField; false otherwise
    • slideUp

      public void slideUp()
      Slides the ListField up by one row.
    • slideDown

      public void slideDown()
      Slides the ListField down by one row.